Wednesday, December 27, 2006


today i got my first heavy dose of melphalan-it so far has been uneventfull. i got hydration and nausea premeds and ativan etc. I am kinda tired. And tomorrow i go for another heavy dose of melphalan again and then Friday i will receive my stem cells back. I know whats coming tho--hopefully i can fly through with not a great amount of side affects.but the next week will be the test. Will i pass or not--we'll see
big thanks to my son Dennis-he is truelly a god sent and to my parents who have should i say walked the line with me.and of course my neice who listens and also walks the line with me-My husband will be talking over Saturday--Boy does he know what hes getting in too. Just another day in SCT land.


DENNIS III said...

Hi Mom,
I just read your blog. I was happy I was able to be there with you today. You did a fantastic job! It was great to spend a few days with you over the Christmas Holiday's. There will be no wondering if you will pass or fail. You will be tough through the rough times and pass. We will all be here supporting you and checking up on you. I can not wait until you finish this process. You are one step closer to recovery!!!! You are doing a great job. :) I will keep you in my prayers every night. We LOVE YOU. Dennis, Morgan and Molly

Beth said...

Hi Susan,

Thanks for sharing your experience with us. I know it will help me get through my upcoming SCT. I can't believe I put it off for so long.
