Tuesday, January 2, 2007

A uneventful day

Hey everyone,

This seems to be an up and down roller coaster of a ride. Today was a bad day for Mom. She can hardly eat because she has pain in her throat. When she eats it burns her throat and she cant seem to hold anything down today. She was at the docs office and he gave her some meds that are supposed to numb her body so that she can eat. We'll she how it goes, she is thinking about being admitted to the hospital so that the docs and nurses can monitor her until the chemo starts to wear off. Well that's it for now, she is hanging in there really well. Thanks everyone for the comments.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Hi Susan,

Hnag in there! We're all thinking about you. It'll all be in the past soon. You're on your way to remission!
